Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A fan of "The Beautiful Truth" shared his song with us...

"Where There Is Hope"
A song written by Mark Gil

When we hold the world responsible
For a cure that will not come
Money for our insolence
Filled our pockets to help none
The resilience of democracy
The money just for one
Life holds in the balance
As we lose many loved ones

It will be ok, let me pray for you

Hope for your life is all that's left
We have a right to know the cure
A remedy for the suffering
The reports not being heard

It will be ok, let me hold you

People's agony, before money
A false hope before chemo's done
Loss of hair and all dignity
But my love for you cannot be undone
I want you to know I tried so hard
To believe you would make it through
And see you smile once again

It will be ok, let me comfort you

My tears for your suffering
My hands held up in prayer
Love becomes the light
In all this darkness
When there's nothing left to fear
Remember you
Remember you
Remember me.

Mark is looking for an artist to perform his song...
he can be reached at

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Beautiful Truth: review of new documentary

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Most of us have been taught to believe in conventional medicine, to be consumers of pharmaceutical drugs, and not to trust common sense, the power of nature, or our bodies. We are taught to believe that causes of cancer remain a mystery (aside from well-known contributing factors such as smoking and alcohol), that they are random aberrations of our genes that happen to the unlucky – and that poor diet and our chronic exposure to chemicals have little or nothing to do with our health and quality of life.

We blindly trust the system, despite the fact that in America more than 784,000 people die each year from conventional medical mistakes, 106,000 people die each year from pharmaceutical drugs taken as directed, and that the number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization is almost nine million each year. Health care expenditures in the United States reached an astounding 16% of the gross national product ($2.39 trillion) in 2006.

But doctors tell us, “trust us, we’re the experts,” and proclaim to know what is best for us, since health, they say, is just too complicated for the average person to understand. We have been brainwashed into relinquishing our decision-making power to those so-called experts who are anything but neutral.

Treating cancer is a multi-billion-dollar industry today, among the most lucrative segments of the medical industry — and Americans are the profit centers. For decades the pharmaceutical and medical technology industries, hospitals, conventional cancer doctors, and others in what is known as the cancer establishment have used their financial power to determine what is taught in medical schools, what drugs are prescribed, and to suppress alternative cancer therapies that would affect their bottom line. Many people believe that if alternative treatments for cancer were any good they would hear about them from their doctor. This is simply not true.

In The Beautiful Truth, producer Steve Kroschel is ambitious to touch on taboo subjects that are not typically covered in the mainstream media. His film explores the interrelatedness of wellness, diet, and the cure for cancer—journeying across the country meeting scientists, researchers, doctors, and cancer survivors. Topics discussed are not to be taken lightly – genetically engineered food, aspartame, MSG, fluoride, irradiated food, and mercury – all of which may contribute to cancer and illness, yet most people have been conditioned to believe and accept they are normal, safe, and/or necessary.

The Beautiful Truth is a groundbreaking film, exposing the failure of the medical establishment while revealing how the Gerson Therapy has cured thousands of so-called incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis, despite being suppressed by the cancer establishment in America for more than 80 years. Kroschel’s courage to shed light on the truth about the medical, biotechnology, and chemical industries that thrive at the expense of public health is an honorable endeavor.

You owe it to yourself to see this film and find out what the mainstream media and cancer establishment don’t want you to know.

For more information, visit

Beth H. Harrison, PhD, appears in The Beautiful Truth and is the author of four-time award-winning Shedding Light on Genetically Engineered Food, exploring why and how you have been kept in the dark about GE foods and the risks, why these foods continue to go unlabeled, and what foods to avoid and how to take action.

Laemmle's Music Hall in Beverly Hills

Cinema Libre's Richard Castro and Dr. William Thornton outside Laemmle's Music Hall in Beverly Hills

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Beautiful Truth LA Premiere

(Center) Charlotte Gerson, Polly Emery, and Howard Straus are joined at the L.A. premiere by (L to R) Cinema Libre's Nick Santillan, Tracey Morris, Giedre Miniotaite, and Rich Castro.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Campus Circle says “This documentary is...

Campus Circle says “This documentary is both timely and provocative...the film’s overall message is hopeful and inspiring. A-”

Click Here For Review (.pdf Format)

One volunteer from Oakland sent this message to all of his Los Angeles contacts and is flying down for the premiere tonight

Friends, I'm writing you this email about a film that I am starting to get involved with called "The Beautiful Truth".

As most of you probably know, my Mom passed away just 3 weeks ago after a 4 month battle with cancer. Before I found out about my mother's diagnosis on July 7th, I felt like cancer was a horrible disease that affects other peoples families. Not my family. Especially not my Mom. My Mom was 67, looked 55 and acted 30. Always the picture of health, full of energy, and full of life every second of every day.

My Mom was told by her doctors that she had stage 4, TERMINAL Cancer, and that her ONLY chance of survival or extension of life is to start "aggressive" chemo and radiation immediately - which she did. She made what she thought was the best road for her based on the info presented by her doctors. Patients given these late stage diagnoses are often expected to decide within hours to choose to take the same traditional methods that have not statistically made ANY improvements since the 1950's, or to face the cancer in alternative ways.

When my Mom was diagnosed and started undergoing the poisoning of her body, I knew very little to nothing about what people did to fight cancer. Doesn't everyone just listen to their doctor?? Doesn't everyone just follow the traditional methods in the face of HORRIBLE survival rates??

After meeting some people who are now very influential in my life, and embarking on many hours of research on my own, my eyes slowly opened to the truth that people in this country, and around the world have treated and BEATEN cancer without a touch of Chemotherapy poisoning or radiation. These people believe and have irrefutable proof that cancer is an immunodeficiency disease that our body can beat if it is armed correctly.

I am in no way a conspiracy theorist. I am the type of person who is generally more trusting of the establishment than I should be. The fact of the matter is however that the pharmaceutical lobby is one of the largest in the world, and just how tobacco companies ran the FDA in the 50's-80's, the pharmaceuticals now run the FDA. The thought that really blew my mind on this topic was this -


My Mom was told by 2 Oncologists (One of which is a leading Oncologist at Stanford) that "It doesn't matter what you eat during cancer treatment"

Please think about that for just a few seconds.

Back to this movie. "A Beautiful Truth"

This documentary is about Dr. Max Gerson who found that by having a strict diet that strengthens your immune system and purifies your body most all chronic degenerative diseases INCLUDING CANCER can be cured from the inside out. This film is about health, nutrition, disease, and the people who profit from sickness and death.

So, I am trying to help this film by getting people to see it in these early screenings. If you are going to be in the LA area around Thanksgiving, please see below.

I am flying in to LA on Wednesday and will be at the screening Wednesday night. If you can make it Wednesday at 5PM that would be great! They are trying to pack the place to help get this film nationwide distribution. This is possibly one of the most important films ever made because of it's message.

Yes my Mom had cancer when she died, but the cancer didn't kill her. The treatment did. Had I known what I know now 6 months ago, we would have at least been able to look more carefully at options. We would have been able to possibly save my Mom's life.

I do not believe that Doctors wish patients anything but success and full recovery. I did witness very caring doctors throughout our time. I do believe however that there is a strict way that the doctors are educated and they are trained to follow these same methods that haven't seen any headway against late stage cancer.

Information is key. It is imperative that people know that there are options available. If you haven't been affected by cancer yet, statistics say you will.

I have many lofty goals in my life, but one now is to take my Mother's infectious energy and work towards making this info available to more people. If I can help save 1 person from the torture that we went through with cancer, then I will feel like I have succeeded.

This film is a step in the right direction.

James L., Oakland , CA

The Dr. Pat Show - Charlotte Gerson and Steve Kroschel

LISTEN HERE to the November 25 interview with Charlotte Gerson and Steve Kroschel on The Dr. Pat Show – Talk Radio to Thrive By! with award-winning host,
Dr. Pat Baccili on KKNW AM1150 in Seattle .

Click Here To Download:



If you can pry yourself away from the dinner table on Thanksgiving, tune in to KPFK on Thursday November 27th at 4PM for a special one hour program you won't want to miss!

Join KPFK Senior Producer Christine Blosdale as she speaks with Charlotte Gerson and Howard Straus of the Gerson Institute on the powerful new film "The Beautiful Truth" and on the implications of Aspartame, MSG, Fluoride and Mercury on our health.

If you don't think you'll be out of your food coma by 4PM on Thursday then don't fret, the show will be re-broadcast on Friday November 28th at 7AM.

If you can’t listen live, listen online at

LISTEN LIVE – Charlotte Gerson and Howard Strauss

LISTEN LIVE – Charlotte Gerson and Howard Strauss on Sofia Smallstorm’s “Expansion” radio show on Friday Nov. 28th from 9-11 A.M. PT.

Click Here To Listen:

LISTEN LIVE to Sherry Beall’s Show

LISTEN LIVE to Sherry Beall’s show, Host/Producer Healthy Planet, Healthy Me! (KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles on streaming online on to a two hour show with Howard Straus, Charlotte Gerson and Steve Kroschel. They will be giving away 10 pairs of tickets to see ‘The Beautiful Truth” in theatre!

Healthy Planet/Healthy Me show is dedicated to bringing the latest facts to the forefront on Environmental and Health issues that directly impact each and every one of us.

Click Here To Listen:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Beautiful Truth Power Hour Radio

The Beautiful Truth Power Hour Radio

LISTEN HERE: Segment 1

LISTEN HERE: Segment 2

Charlotte Gerson on Dr. Thornton’s Natural Health Report

Wednesday, November 26 – 9am (PT) –
Charlotte Gerson on Dr. Thornton’s Natural Health Report on KTYM Radio-1460 AM
In Los Angeles and streaming audio: and WWCR international shortwave.

The Beautiful Truth - Los Angeles

Greetings, safe water health advocates and others dedicated to right
actions, I just learned today of this newly scheduled presentation of
this important documentary film called The Beautiful Truth.

Many opponents of artificial water fluoridaton, mercury dental fillings,
and other questionably "safe" practices and materials

could possibly resonate and gain important insights at this upcoming
event to be held in L.A.

As you see below, the internationally esteemed Gerson Institute founders
Dr. David Kennedy (IAOMT article ) --all driving up from San Diego-
others shall conduct Q A forums (with the viewer audience) after select
showings of this film.

Details sent to me by the film producers follow below.

Hope you too can find time to attend and perhaps consider
asking a few questions.

Gene Burke

SMSDW Coalition
P.O. Box 358, S.Monica, CA 90406;


"Guanteed to cause a stir. One of the best and most important
documentaries you will see this year!"

-Scott Hoffman,

"Courting Controversy." - Ronnie Scheib, Variety



Laemmle's Music Hall 3
9036 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, 90211

For more information about this documentary film including images
visit: The Beautiful Truth Movie

Viewable trailer and clips on Youtube:

Downloadable clips and trailer:


Opens Wednesday, November 26th.
Location: Laemmle’s Music Hall 3 -
9036 Wilshire Blvd., BeverlyHills

Show times:
Wed 11/26 Fri 11/27 Mon 12/1 -Thurs 12/4: Times, 5:00, 7:20 10:00;
Thurs 11/27 Sat 11/29 Sun 11/30: Times, 12:20, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20

Followed by these special in-person Forums:


Wednesday (11/26) following the 5:00 show: With
and Gerson biographer Howard Straus.

Friday (11/28) following the 5:00 and 7:20 shows with Gerson
Institute founder, Charlotte Gerson and Howard Straus.

Saturday (11/29) following the 5:00 7:20 shows with fluoride
use detriment specialist, Dr. David Kennedy, Charlotte Gerson, Howard
Straus,cancer survivor Polly Emery.

Media Contacts:
Beth Portello
Giedre Miniotaite
Cinema Libre Studio
(818) 349-8822
About Cinema Libre Studio :

To thank Laemmle for showing such films in their theatres:

Dr. Gerson's Suppressed 1946 Congressional Testimony

Dr. Gerson's Suppressed 1946 Congressional Testimony-Chris Gupta, Share The Wealth

Friday, November 21, 2008

Talk Shows / Radio Shows

Sunday, November 23 - 10:00 am (PT) in Los Angeles -
Listen to director Steve Kroschel on Bob Linden’s
GoVegRadio on K-Talk 1150 AM. You can also listen
online or check for a broadcast time in your area at:

Monday, November 24 @ – A special 2 hour show on
“The Beautiful Truth’ - starting at 6am PT/8am
Central/9am ET to Charlotte Gerson, Howard Straus
and Steve Kroschel on The Power Hour!

(For audience call-in to live broadcast: 1-800-259-9231,
International callers use 1-651-289-4333 X125)

Tuesday, November 25 - 10:30am (PT) –Charlotte Gerson and
Steve Kroschel will be on the The Dr Pat Show – Talk Radio
to Thrive By! with award-winning host, Dr Pat Baccili on
KKNW AM1150 in Seattle . You can listen online at or via KKNW at KKNW AM 1150
Seattle's #1 Alternative Talk.

Film Review - By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

“The Beautiful Truth is a powerful documentary that manages to be both a chilling expose of the toxins in food that are causing so much disease and an affirmation of a plant therapy that has cured cancer in many individuals.”- Spirituality & Practice, By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Click Here for Review

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Saw the movie last night-Quad Cinema NYC - GREAT MOVIE


I saw The Beautiful Truth movie last night at the 7pm showing at the Quad Cinema in NYC.

At the very end of the movie the narrator said some beautiful and amazing sayings that were so inspirational I was wondering if you could email me back exactly all the sayings that were said. they were not written on the screen but rather said out loud and they were soooo important I want to have them and read them everyday.
They speak soo loudly...

If you could, I would so love to have what was said.....

Thank you.

Per Sonya’s request, here is the closing narration of
THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH written by Steve Kroschel.

For each of us, eventually, whether we're ready or not,
someday it will come to an end.

There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.

All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten,
will pass to someone else.

Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.

It will not matter what you owned or owed.

Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear.

So, too, your hope, ambitions, plans and to do lists will expire.

The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

It won't matter where you came from, or on what side of the tracks you lived at the end.

It won't matter if you're beautiful or brilliant.

Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.

So, what will matter?

How will the value of your days be measured?

What will matter is not what you bought but what you built,
not what you got but what you gave.

What will matter is not your success but your significance.

What will matter is not what you learned but what you taught.

What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.

What will matter is not your competence but your character.

What will matter is not how many people you knew,
but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone.

What will matter is not your memories but the memories that live in those.

Interview with Steve Kroschel and NYC Movie Guru

Interview with Steve Kroschel and NYC Movie Guru

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Steve Kroschel’s Interview w/ THE POWER HOUR

Listen to director Steve Kroschel’s Nov.13 interview with THE POWER HOUR (

Mark your calendars for Nov. 24 - listen live to the in depth interview with Dr. Max Gerson's (1881-1959) daughter, CHARLOTTE GERSON and author/publisher and Gerson biographer HOWARD STRAUS, and Director STEVE KROSCHEL on The Power Hour, (Starts at 6:00am PT/8:00am MT/9:00am ET)

Film Journal International - Review

One of the better documentaries to be released this year (or at least one of the more important ones), The Beautiful Truth is a must-see.” – Eric Monder, Film Journal International

Click Here For Review

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Beautiful Truth - Quad Cinema Nov 14th

Enthusiastic audiences continue the Q&A outside the
Quad Cinema after watching the film.

Howard Straus talks with audience members at the NYC
premiere of The Beautiful Truth.

(L to R) Author/publisher Howard Straus and Cinema Libre’s
Richard Castro at the Quad Cinema in NYC.

Audience member, author Howard Straus, Cinema Libre’s
Richard Castro, and Carol Hoernlein, founder of celebrate the opening at the Quad Cinema in New York.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Organic Consumer Association

THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH on the Organic Consumer Association website:

Joyce Dunn

I am so totally thrilled to hear of this movie and getting the information to the public about how cancer can be cured. I am a (so-called) cancer survivor who wanted to go to the Gerson Clinic in 1996 but was met with derision whenever I mentioned an alternative method. I caved in to the pleadings of family and friends and to the exhortations of the medical profession and to this day suffer for that decision. The untold horror stories of the surgeries and chemotherapy have yet to be fully faced by the public, not to mention that cancer is really just a business. I was contacted twice last year by the cancer center where I went, who wanted to find out why I was still alive! They wanted me to come back to give them hair, saliva and blood samples, specifically to see if I had a "gene" that was resistant to cancer (more like resistant to their chemicals) - no thanks!
After surviving the medical profession's protocol, I diligently attempted to take care of myself, with help from a few people, but it was a struggle finding good quality information as the internet did not have the information it does today. And finding organic food was not easy. You have no idea how many times I have wished I could have gone to the Gerson clinic.
My congratulations to Cinema Libre (and Steve Kroschel) for making this film and to Garrett for his courage in pursuing the truth. I look forward to seeing it.
Warm regards,
Joyce D., Texas

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Listen to the PODCAST!

Listen to Charlotte Gerson, Howard Straus and Cinema Libre’s Richard Castro on The Sheila Show heard Saturdays from 3 to 5 PM on KRXA 540 am as well as live on the Internet worldwide on

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Beautiful Truth Movie Comments

This movie has changed my outlook on cancer and related health issues....


Welcome to THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH blog. If you’ve spent some time on the site, you will have noticed that the film will open in theatres in NYC on 11/14 followed by Los Angeles on Weds. 11/26. However, to make sure that this film and its message – the relationship between diet and disease – are widely seen, we need your help to get the word out about the film. We need to get people to go see the film over opening weekend in New York and Los Angeles – please tell your friends, include information in our newsletter or post something online.

In order to bring the film to your community, you can drop into your local art house theatre and ask them to book the film.

The film will be available on DVD in 2009, to be informed of the street date, please sign up for the e-newsletter. If you are a retailer and would like to sell the DVD from your store or website, please email sales (at) cinemalibrestudio (dot) com.

We will ask director Steve Kroschel, his son Garrett (who is featured in the film), Charlotte Gerson (founder of the Gerson Institute), author/publisher Howard Straus and Anita Wilson (Executive Director, Gerson Institute) to help monitor and reply to your comments.

We will also post information about interviews and pending media breaks - so check back!

Thanks to all for the amazing outpouring of support.

-- The Cinema Libre Studio team

In Theaters:
New York, NY: Nov. 14th – Nov. 20th
The Quad Cinema
34 West 13th Street New York , NY 10011
(212) 255-8800

Los Angeles, CA: Nov. 26th – Dec. 4th
Laemmle's Music Hall
9036 Wilshire Blvd.Beverly Hills, 90211
(310) 274-6869