Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Beautiful Truth Movie Comments

This movie has changed my outlook on cancer and related health issues....


Bill Tainter said...

I saw the Max Gerson story on PBS in Mpls, MN. Amazing stuff.Tough to argue Gods plan. We have an amazing body, if we just give it half a chance, it will heal itself.The challenge is how to live organic in todays world.

Barry said...

To follow up on Bill Tainter's comment, I live in Toronto so in the winter organic foods make a 2000 mile trek to the city. So living organic can be a challenge.

I understand the diet proposed by Gerson was for those with severe and life threatening illnesses,but what should the average person do to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Mine certainly won't involve an enema!

Christopher said...

I was excited and thrilled to hear about this movie, and I'm certainly glad I went to see it last night with a friend of mine. I have believed for some time that Dr. Max Gerson and Dr. Norman Walker were pioneers in this area of health, and discovered plain truths that have been suppressed to this day. I admire their intellect and fortitude. My friend works for Sloan-Kettering here in NYC and I have often discussed/debated with her the merits of conventional treatment. She was almost in tears last night, and I could see her mind being truly opened for the first time. Our discussion AFTER the movie was much more productive than it ever was BEFORE the movie, and for that I thank you.

As an aside, I was so happy to see Jay Kordich with a small part in the film. His enthusiasm for health and nutrition is second to none, and it was great to see him looking so well after all these years.

GrantPinnacle said...

First Obama and now The Beautiful Truth! Does anyone see a trend here? The time is now for the world to realize how we have been controlled by the corporation since the dawn of the industrial revolution. The Pharma and Chemical industries have been knowingly murdering consumers for decades!! This is very similar to the Big Tobacco scam...the movie The Insider brought this to light and look at what's happened to smoking laws since then!! People are going to wake up and realize that they have choices and that they can stop allowing these corporations to tell us what to do!!